A little while ago, I mentioned that I'd be opening up an old pen name for books in the m/f and m/f/m categories. I've decided to nix that idea. The publishers were supportive. My friends were supportive. I wanted all the glory. Assuming glory is to be had. I updated my production list on the right margin to reflect all that and will be updating my website shortly. I'm thinking something along the lines of this blog skin. Thoughts? I also want to make my site look like a scribbled in notebook with side tabs. We'll see how far I get on that one.
I wanted to let you know how appreciative I am of those stopping by. It's been insane over here for several months running. Like most of you, I barely have time to think, let alone blog about unthought of thoughts. I've quit projecting when I think things will lighten up since I'm wrong each time. I'm also notorious for adding to my project list. Beginning to think I'm a workaholic which sounds way too "responsible adult" for my brain.
Will have to schedule in stupid bar pranks to prove self wrong. Hm. Where to start...
*gapes in awe at Mia's list of upcoming books*
You scare me...
yeah, it scares me a little too. I keep wondering who the idiot was who scheduled me for all that... and then I look in the mirror. *sigh*
By the way, if you're interested, I blogged over at www.WritersEvolution.blogspot.com
Shoulda posted a link.
Wow! You are one impressive chick! Like the new look too! You're over on my blog, you know...
I like the new look in general, but it doesn't seem entirely in keeping with the interior content. Chinese dragons and flowers don't seem thematically proper (i.e. not sexy enough for an erotic writer), but what do I know?
Please keep in mind that we are all sponges, and vigorously wringing out that sponge on a daily basis, without taking time to soak up some moisture, is going to leave you a charred husk. Maybe you have a lifetime of pent up sexuality waiting to explode on paper, and that's awesome, but you need to pace yourself or you're going to fry yourself (creatively).
There's something to be said for striking while the iron is hot, so to speak (aren't I the king of imagery and metaphors today?) but I would hate to see you burn yourself out.
Now that I've given my unsolicited sage advice, you may feel free to ignore it and keep on keeping on.
mwv: brioukin
broke in
bacon (you had me at bacon)
I love the new blog look and I disagree that you have to have naked male booties all over a blog to make it appealing to erotic romance readers. I think this reflects your colorful personality.
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