Sunday, November 27, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

So I thought I'd participate in this thing called Six Sentence Sunday. Today I'm posting from Claimed by Darkness at Ellora's Cave. This is the beginning of a book where a vampire falls for his human friend.

Humans were such fragile creatures—arrogant, consumed by their own self-importance when the age before and the age following would not care about the fleeting moments of one person’s life on the earth when the next generation came to take its place. And the cycle would repeat. Throbbing music, soul-binding songs, swaying in a primal dance of barely concealed sexuality as one flitted from moment to moment, struggling to make his importance stick before that generation too was forgotten like mist under the blaze of morning sunlight. 
It carried notes of banality. Damien had seen it countless times. And yet this time, this particular collection of years had pierced his heart in a way none before it had and none after would compare.

Claimed by Darkness can be purchased here:  Ellora's Cave

Want to play along? It’s fun and easy!
1. pick a project – a current WIP, contracted work or even something readers can buy if you’re published
2. pick six sentences
3. post on Sunday

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