Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Sunny and cool here today. Perfect weather for a lunch time walk. It's days like these when I consider buying a Via Voice to dictate books for the word processor to translate onto page. I wonder if Nora Roberts use such programs. It would explain the speed at which she writes.

Can you just imagine a trip to Panera with an order of soup and salad suddenly appearing in the middle of a sexual encounter? Or perhaps the fascination on the faces of those who hear me walk-talking as I discuss steely cocks and "Oh, God!"s? Might be worth the investment... hm.

I'm in a writing slump. I should be worried but have found that after prolonged periods, I write extremely fast through the next projects. Therefore, I will schedule "worry" into my calendar at a later date. Perhaps next Tuesday would suffice.

Other shit: K and the Boss appear to be on a relationship hiatus. Although, I believe the longing looks from him suggest the decision was not mutually agreed upon. I must speak with K. Grumpy boss equals grumpy Mia. And that equals sign is disguising a crazy amount of work.

Revise: threaten K to return to Boss. She has no idea of the sensitivity of work equilibrium.


Unknown said...

I talk to myself enough as it is! I don't think I could use that outside of the car. LOL But I'm very curious how much more I'd get done if I used one.

Molly Daniels said...

I can't do that. I tried talking out a storyline, but it flows better from my fingers than my voice.

Anonymous said...

That would be me, lol! Muttering, 'What the hell would he/she do next...oops...delete...no backspace! Backspace! This damn thing...'

Kenzie Michaels